速報APP / 工具 / SubShifter: Shift subtitles

SubShifter: Shift subtitles



檔案大小:5.2 MB


版本需求:macOS 10.13.2 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


SubShifter: Shift subtitles(圖1)-速報App

SubShifter is meant to be an incredibly simple app.

Shift or Sync your subtitles files in seconds, that's it. Don't be bored by the useless complexity of other apps.

• Support SRT files (more to come, free updates)

• Instant Shift of your subtitles

• Instant Sync of your subtitles: fix subtitles whose shift increases/decreases progressively during the movie (drifting subtitles, with optional extrapolation to the whole file)

SubShifter: Shift subtitles(圖2)-速報App

• Compatible with Dark Mode

• Compatible with the TouchBar

• No data collection: everything happens locally on your device. Privacy is important.



SubShifter: Shift subtitles(圖3)-速報App

Note: The free version allows you to save up to 30 minutes of synced/shifted subtitles. It is possible to have an unlimited access with the premium version of SubShifter. Premium version can be obtained in app either via a lifetime licence, a monthly subscription, or a yearly subscription. This also supports my work and all the free updates with new features to come.

The terms of use & privacy policy can be found here: https://www.isolid.be/subshifter/privacy.php

SubShifter: Shift subtitles(圖4)-速報App